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Naylene Smith, Whangarei

To the Acres Pet Food Team, I just HAD to write you about your dog food! We recently acquired our 2 year-old Foxy Cross dog, Tiny (photo attached). When we first got her, we bought a popular EXPENSIVE brand of dog biscuits. And then a couple of weeks later, we remembered our friends had recommended your dog food, so we ordered a bag. When we got your delivery, we combined your dog food with the original food we bought to introduce Tiny to the new taste. WELL......we noticed that she would take a mouthful of the biscuits and drop them on the floor and she would SEPARATE the two types and eat YOUR food FIRST, and when she had eaten all of the Acres food, then she would eat the other! I thought you might like to have this feedback to add to your files. I reckon Tiny's taste preference is the best advertisement you could ever get! Keep up the good work and I'll be placing another order in a few weeks! Cheers, Naylene Smith...PS...feel free to use this in your advertising!

Lynne O'Keeffe, Auckland

My six year old Golden Retriever was having some problems last year with hot spots. The vet suggested a change in diet. I did some research and thought I had found Jack's new very wholesome but hugely expensive dog food. With luck though I saw an advert for Acres Dog Food. I read the testimonials, all excellent and decided to have a trial run. Jack's skin cleared up within 6 weeks, he looks in fantastic condition and he loves the taste of Acre's Dog Food.When my dog is happy I am happy. I also like the idea that every month I am supporting a small New Zealand business that is delivering a great, healthy product. Thank you Acres.